Meet Jennifer

Headshot of Jennifer Sikes, RN, a Marquette Method Instructor based out of Muncie, Indiana

Jennifer Sikes, RN, BSN, MMCP

Certified Marquette Method Instructor
South Bend, Indiana

One-on-one, personalized training in the Marquette Method, in-person and online

Hello friend, I’m Jenn Sikes. I’m a wife, homeschooling mama, and registered nurse with a love for hospitality, rich conversation, and getting out in the garden. I married my dear husband in 2013, graduated from the University of Delaware in 2014 and had the privilege of helping mamas bring babies into the world at The Birth Center right after graduation. When we were pregnant with our second daughter in 2018, we moved to Muncie, Indiana where I continued working for The Birth Center by teaching childbirth education remotely.

My NFP Journey

After our first child was born, I realized I needed to learn about my own fertility. In the past, I had been prescribed birth control to “regulate my cycles,” but was never taught to track them. I initially began with a self-taught symptothermal method and was immensely confused—nothing looked normal. After experiencing our first miscarriage, I presented my chart to my co-worker and midwife. She identified from my cycle that I had a Luteal Phase Defect. This was my first realization that tracking fertility could lead to better health management for women! After tracking consistently and addressing my progesterone levels, we were able to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy!

After our second daughter was born, we wanted to wholeheartedly commit ourselves to NFP. I discovered the Marquette Method through a friend, and when I learned about its objectivity, it was an easy “yes” for us!

The reality, however, is that I was still having quite frustrating and confusing cycles. But here comes the beauty of working with an instructor who knows how to use fertility tracking to understand female health. She pointed me to a NaPro physician and some helpful research. Through using this method, we were able to see what was really going on—PCOS. It was only because I had gained confidence with understanding my fertility that I was able to press my primary care physician for the right tests to receive this diagnosis. I was then able to get to work managing my PCOS and watched my cycles return to a normal and predictable state. We were overjoyed. This method worked for me when I was postpartum, breastfeeding, and in regular cycles. And when I find a good thing, I want to tell my friends all about it!

Why I Became a Marquette Method Instructor

I have always loved educating women and families, and helping them feel confident in their vocation of parenthood has always felt like such a great honor. When I was able to make sense of my seemingly impossible cycles, I knew I wanted to help other women and their husbands have that same experience. Becoming a Marquette instructor felt like a natural next step—to help women advocate for their health and help couples cooperate with their God-given gift of fertility. You can pursue intimacy with prudence and joy. Whatever stage of fertility you are in, you are welcome here.

I consider it an honor to be invited into such a precious part of your life and look forward to walking with you.

Family picture of Jennifer Sikes (Marquette Method Instructor in Indiana) with her family

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